Wednesday, March 23, 2011


You amaze me...
The strength that you possess.
You came into this world on your own accord...
Attacked your first breath with vigor that the doctors didn't even need to use the ventilator...
You nearly bit the doctors finger off to test your reflex responses... All he could do was laugh in amazement...
As they rolled you to the NICU you continued to announce your presence with a strong cry reserved for the healthy ones..
You amaze me my son...
The 22 days that your Mother and I had to wait to take you home was hardest we have had to endure...
For we weren't complete until you came home...
Now that you are home, you continue to amaze me with every minute... Every second that we are blessed to be with you...
And for that I thank you...
Your Father.
With my sons first breath, I breathe in new life.
Gone are my selfish worries.
Gone are my vanity of self worth.

With my sons birth, I am reborn.
Blessed with a clean slate.
Innocence, perfection blessed upon me.

If ever one wonders, if God forgives.
I say look inside the eyes of a child.
God forgives unconditionally.

Because of mistakes from my past, I never thought
this day would come that God would bless me with a son of my own.

With my sons first breath, he gave me new life.
With my sons first cry, he redeemed my soul.

So now with each borrowed breath
I give back to you my son
So you may pay it forward... the gift of life, love, and redemption.


  1. It's amazing how a child can change you in ways you never knew possible. This is beautiful Berto and a true reflection of your love for Evan and fatherhood. Thanks for sharing him with all of us throughout the process and reminding U's that children are miracles and parenthood is the ultimate blessing.

  2. See?! I knew you would be an excellent father & fellow blogger :) This post really pulls at my heart-strings and I love how you just put it all out there, no ego, just pure LOVE. You da man! Keep bloggin' buddy =)
