Monday, March 28, 2011

Operation Pacific Passage

Being in the military we are told that every mission is critical, however there missions that critical does not do justice to describe it. This pass weekend I had the opportunity and honor to assist with the military dependents that had to evacuate Japan.
Over 2500 personnel this pass week alone majority of them mothers with their children had to leave evacuate Japan due to the nuclear plant being damaged due to the earthquake that registered a magnitude 9.0. Traveling 11 plus hours just to get from Japan to Travis AFB. Which was only the beginning for most of them. Many still had an additional one to two hours of travel additional to either Sacramento or San Francisco Airport to catch a flight home varying four to eight hours. 
Not all was able to catch a flight the same day as they arrived to Travis AFB, many had to stay a night at a hotel to await travel the following day.
Coming off the plane you can see the exhaustion from their faces, children scared and unsure of where they are. To ensure that all of the evacuees had a smile to greet them, a person to help carry their luggage, travel plans arranged, child care, food, and transportation provided hundreds of military personnel from all branches came together  donated their time and resources to our military family. It was the least that we can do to bring some sort of comfort to them.
We can only imagine the stress they are going through...

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